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Sea Change

I welcome the Aquarian archetype to our world, in the form of Pluto. Tomorrow, November 19, this journey begins in earnest. That which we are in truth seeks its liberation because we can no longer bear the price of living as if we do not matter. I see the first wave of Pluto in Aquarius being received by those of us who know we must individuate in order to remember and restore what our knowing says is true. It is an electrifying frequency. I anticipate knowing what we have always known. In this liberating process of many shatterings and awakenings, we are emergent to life in a less bound state. As this energy becomes conscious, so does the energy necessary to release imprisoning thought patterns and beliefs. What remains is a freedom meant to both envision and act from the original design held within each of us. We remember. We have forgotten that we remember.

Aquarius represents our divine mind. To exist on Earth without its conscious collaboration is akin to living a half life. By default we give away that power of innovation and vision meant to contribute to a true humanitarian world view. We approach the edge of a paradigm shift, now. It will be easier to release stagnancy because the Aquarian energy is oh so much lighter.

What do we long to contribute to the collective from a dedicated, open, individuated life?

so much love.

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