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When Thoughts Break

We have heard that thoughts are 'things'. Those 'things' become the central building blocks to our perceived reality. When thoughts break, can we make the connection between those thoughts and the 'things' of those thoughts? This is my effort to report back from the field.

It is crazy to realize (make real) how the infrastructure of our personal realities are formed by the thoughts of the collective, which are the thoughts of our families and ancestors and who-knows-who-or-what else. Seeking the remnants of a world once formed by original thought, I find myself in the midst of an ongoing releasing of all that was given.....conditioning and the expectations (read dogma) of upholding that conditioning as truth. On this plane, it all starts in infancy, and it is suggested that by the age of six our own little matrices are formed as carbons of our environments. When thoughts break, it feels disorienting. It is as if an ice shelf suddenly sloughs off and a field of distortion simply floods the psyche. The mind simply can't follow. The multiple layers of thought have over-ridden our higher mind's broadcasting of truth. The distortions we have been living under feel creepy as they move through us during the release process. I am weeping a lot. The inner critic is worried that s/he is losing control of me, thus there is an added layer of inner criticism active.

It is at this point of dismantling that the greatest power of the Self begins to emerge. How have we lived without this real Self? It is shocking to watch a life lived in illusion present the layers of thoughts that formatted life for us, a life that is so believable we lived as if it were so. I can tentatively say that the illusions served until they didn't. I can also report back that the interim sense of disorientation is already more tolerable than living an entire lifetime of false world imprints.

Thank you for your own service to truth. Now, more than ever.

So much love.

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The critic has lost control and she surely doesn't like it.


S/he seems to be the most manipulative of the personality menagerie, but also the most exhausted.

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