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Living a Blameless Life

Long ago, when struggling with self-blame, my friend Bluejay first taught me about the necessity to be accountable for my own perceptions and narratives. Anyone raised in an environment that wounded instead of loved understands this: if we assume responsibility for the experience of another, there is a hope that we can find some control in a world of danger, chaos and ongoing crisis. We can grow up to be adults that do the same thing. It changed my life to be guided in making room for the accountability of another. Decades later I am STILL learning that one, in case you are, too.

Today I take this further, but a different kind of 'further'. I have been offering what follows to small groups, to the clients that make their way to my cottage, to online communications and to the small gatherings of the most amazing people. As with Bluejay, another teacher helped me to remember something so significant that it continues to deepen and expand my world view. That teacher is Tantra Maat. I want to go out on a limb to suggest it may also replace what used to be true, for myself only. It is a way of perceiving that appears to be married to compassion, something that I knew was missing in my own world.

In a world steeped in duality, our brains are wired to blame. Some of us default at the level of self-blame, others at the level of pointing at another. There are experiences of trauma that can not bi-pass being angry at what has happened to us. To move through the healing of trauma, it is important to explore and express what rises. I hold and contain space for myself and the many who must enter that level, of necessity. Today I want to add something else. Tantra refers to this as a field phenomenon. My understanding and current awareness suggests that many enter the earth plane as highly advanced souls, sensitive adepts. What we encounter creates a shattering of our core soul memories, and many are left adrift without the spiritual support needed to function, much less awaken and discover our place here. To ponder that the very fabric of this incarnational realm is distorted begins to break down the framework based upon duality. In this, I begin to hold myself blameless. I begin to hold others blameless. It may be a path out of an archaic belief system and the suffering propagated. I feel so relieved to remind myself to let go further into a paradigm beyond the one that has informed and promoted this old world.

So much love.

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