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About Iris
I am schooled by my Higher Self, which has orchestrated the timeline to my awakening as a spiritual intuitive as well as the arrival of inner-planes teachers which have brought me to this point in existence. My life, with numerous ups and downs, has created first and foremost a compassionate heart and a deep understanding of the rightness of each life as it is currently lived, in divine perfection, in each moment. At the end of a particularly long soul tempering process, two deceased teachers known to my friends arrived as mentors. Their task, which continues to this day, is to teach me discernment in the art of listening to those who find their way to what is needed in evolutionary development.

Get In Touch
Texting or email are the best ways to reach me initially; I typically respond by the end of the same day.
If you are inner-guided to explore your emergence process with me, below is the link to my services.
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