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Sky Heralds

I seek access to deepening experience as one who awakens. My longing is to become that access, or to be in a living, ongoing state of access. I say this because it is my memory of paradise. Access permits connection if desired, and resting states as an aware being, also if desired. I sense we are still wired for this ancient way.

Comets introduce energy (read: frequency) from vast reaches of our solar system. If we know that a comet is coming, I wonder if this energy and light-information then becomes conscious within our neural network. Does it offer access if we open to it? Does this new (to us) light have the capacity to be an originating force in our world, so hungry for quantum shifts? I say yes.

September 12 is the closest passage of the comet Nishimura. Perhaps in reading this short post you are meant to open to this sky herald as an act of aligning with your own emergent light. It is suggested by Elizabeth Vreede that comets, at the time of their appearance, point to the spiritual destiny of that time. They may also strengthen the human light body in order to assist us in navigating the challenges of that time.

We have this opportunity to consciously open to ancient participate as an emergent humanity on behalf of our beloved Gaia and her life forms.

So much love.

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Donna McMurtry
Donna McMurtry
Sep 11, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you. Love your musings

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